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发布时间: 2014-10-05 浏览: 292


The Crane Gave Birth an Egg
A long time ago, there was a man named Liuyuancai邹少官 , who was very vain. He raised two cranes in his house, and as long as he had guests at home, he boasted to his guests that: "I have two cranes, not just any common cranes, but real red-crowned cranes! The common crane is come from eggs, and my cranes are come from placenta."
很久以前质量工程师考试教材,有个叫刘渊材的人,十分爱慕虚荣。他家里养着两只鹤,只要有客人来家中僵尸少爷小说 ,他总是对客人夸口说:“我家养了两只鹤,这可不是一般的鹤,它们是真正的仙鹤!普通鹤是卵生的米奇儿童漆 ,我养的仙鹤可是胎生的。”
One day, several guests came to Liu's home, and Liu invited them into the house, and he sat down and bragged about his two viviparous cranes. "Sir, our crane had an egg last night. It's a big egg, like the size of a pear!" A Servant rushed to report from backyard without Liu finished his words.
这一天,刘渊材家又来了几位客人元媛作品集 ,邹智文 他把客人请进屋,一坐下便夸起他那两只“胎生”的仙鹤来。刘渊材话还未说完,一个仆人从后院跑来报告说:“先生,咱家的鹤昨夜生了一个蛋,好大的蛋呀,跟大鸭梨一般大小呢。”
Liu's face was immediately flushed, and he felt embarrassed. "Nonsense! You dare slander my red-crowned crane!" he shouted. "How does a red-crowned crane make an egg坚韧不拔造句? Get out of here!"
刘渊材的脸色立刻羞得通红,他觉得十分难堪千斤后娘 。对着仆人大声喝斥道:“胡说,你竟敢诽谤我的仙鹤呀!仙鹤怎么会生蛋呢诡案组陵光 ?休要在此胡说八道!”
The servant had to walk away without interest. The guests stood up and said: "Brother Liu海柴角, it is rare for you to keep cranes. Let's have a look and see what happened."
仆人只好没趣地走开了人品测试机 。几个客人站起身说:“刘兄,难得您家养着仙鹤,让我们去看看,开开眼界吧。”
Liuyuancai had to take the guests to the backyard to see the cranes. They saw one of the cranes lying on the ground. The guests wanted to get the crane to stand up and use their crutches to scare it. The crane stood up and left a large egg which liked a pear on the ground.
刘渊材只好带着客人一同到后院去观看仙鹤。他们来到后园,只见其中一只“仙鹤”正趴在地上。客人们想叫仙鹤站起来龙井婊,便用拐杖去吓它杨正大 。不料,那鹤站起身来时,地上又留下了一枚鸭梨大的鹤蛋。
Liu's face was red, and he stammered that: "Ugh! I didn't think the crane violate Sendoh, and been like a common bird."
刘渊材的脸色涨得通红,他支支吾吾地说:“唉!没想到这仙鹤败坏仙道,和凡鸟一样了钱的化身 。”