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黑桑果染发骗局代言时尚新品 百岁老太变超模-新东方在线英语悦读汇

发布时间: 2017-07-13 浏览: 299
代言时尚新品 百岁老太变超模-新东方在线英语悦读汇

A 101-year-old woman from Pennsylvania is becoming a supermodel after being discovered by make-up mogul Bobbi Brown.
一位来自宾夕法尼亚的101岁高龄的老太在被化妆大师鲍比·布朗发现后黄俊英,正在成为一名超黄霄云 模。
Bobbie Rose of Philadelphia recently became the focus of a number of social media posts by the Bobbi Brown Cosmetics founder, including an Instagram glamour shot showing the centenarian posing in a blazer and stylish sunglasses.
费城的博比张陈平 ?罗斯最近成为了波比布朗化妆品公司创始人的一些社交媒体帖子的焦点黑桑果染发骗局 冤家成双对 。其中有一幅在Instagram上的魅力照片,照片上总裁你好毒 ,这位穿着运动夹克、戴着时尚太阳镜的百岁老人正在摆造型可比网 。

In the caption of the photo淘打 , Roseis quoted as saying, “My life began at 90. Things got interesting and were full of possibilities.”
照片的标题引用了罗斯的话:“我的生命从90岁开始郭力维。事情变得有趣白首穷经,充满了可能性祁可欣国王与小鸟 。”
Ross has a regular bedtime schedule. She goes to bed at 11:00 pm and wakes up at 4:00 or 5:00 am. Rose lives on her own, keeps exercising and goes golfing every day. She drives herself out and occasionally paints and carves or hosts family gatherings.
罗斯的作息时间很规律,每天晚上11点准时上床睡觉,第二天4点或5点准时起床。罗斯一个人生活极速绯闻,每天坚持锻炼,打高尔夫球唐琅探案 。她自驾出行,偶尔还会作画、雕刻生死正名 ,或举办家庭聚会。汪玲露

Ross has two children爽口大拌菜 , five grand children and six great-grandchildren. When it comes to the secret of her longevity, she says, “I'm always challenging myself andtrying something new. A number does not define me标新立异造句, and it doesn't define any body.”
罗斯有两个孩子、5个孙辈和6个重孙辈芬组词 。当谈到长寿秘诀时,她说:“我每天都在挑战自我天策府宝 ,尝试不同的新事物麻将进行曲 。年龄根本束缚不了我,也不应该束缚住任何人马西莫斯 。”

>mogul [n.显要人物]
>centenarian [n.百岁或逾百岁以上的人]
>longevity [n.长寿]